The 95th Entry of RAF Halton Aircraft Apprentices 1960-63



May 2002

the 40th Anniversary re-union

saturday 12 april 2003


Menu Selection & Attendance Notification Inside

Please bear in mind that this may be the last reunion function of the type we have enjoyed in the past. We need to have at least 100 attendees to attract the negotiated discount.

Please do your very best to attend, if you can.

 Your Entry needs You!



Also inside - New Entry Badge Election documents

The 40th Anniversary Re-Union

The 40th Anniversary of 95 Entry Graduation Re-Union is booked and arranged for


at The Spread Eagle Hotel, Thame. Telephone: 01844 – 213661.  Fax: 01844 - 261380.

The menu selection and notification docket appear in this newsletter. We have opted this time for a set Starter & Soup, with choices offered for Main and Sweet courses. We felt that this would greatly assist the catering and service side of things. The cost of the dinner is £25.00p per person.

Please now make your commitment to attending by making your choice of main and sweet courses on the appropriate docket and return as soon as you can together with a deposit of £10.00 per head, or the full amount, cheques payable to 95 Entry Fund, to:

Alf Banyard, 105 Stone Hill Drive, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 5TS. UK.

The cut off time, 28th February 2003, is some time ahead but there is no time like the present.

Dress Code: Gentlemen – DJ, Lounge suit or similar   Ladies: Posh Frocks, Girls, Flaunt it!


Your accommodation requirements for the reunion night (Saturday) are your own responsibility. The Spread Eagle obviously has rooms available and we have enclosed some local venues for Thame area. If you require, further details will be available from the Thame Tourist Association and of course outlying areas such as Aylesbury etc.

Offers of put-u-ups for the Friday and/or Sunday nights of the weekend from those that live “locally” have been made. This is not guaranteed and is on an availability basis, but if you are travelling a long way and wish to take advantage, let us know as soon as possible and we’ll see what we can do.

Extra bits and bobs etc.

We are looking into the possibility of a Photographer to record the happy scene. 

For the Sunday morning we are also looking at whether there is, or can be, a church service available in RAF Halton St.Georges Church. This will give those that want, the opportunity to view the commemorative stained glass windows inserted by Apprentice Entries etc. Ours is at the top and very top of the central column. We also hope that the RAFHAAA Museum will be available.

Further, we anticipate a lunch meet in a suitable hostelry nearby where we all can take our leave of each other before meandering our separate ways once more, sustained by happy memories.

Memorabilia Board.

It is proposed to have a Memorabilia Board at the Re-Union. If you have any items suitable for a display, please send them, together with a stamped self addressed envelope for their return, to:

John Cormack, 15 Waterford Close, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire. PR2 9PY. UK

Individual “Potted” Histories Update.

For the first re-union in 1993, everyone was asked to provide a potted personal history of their lives since leaving Halton in 1963.

It has now been proposed that those histories are updated to bring them up-to-date. Therefore, would everyone, especially those recently found, please give consideration to doing just that and send to one of the “committee” (addresses issued in previous mailings). 

The Internet Web Site

Sincere and deepest thanks are extended to John Yates for his diligent work in setting up and administering the Entry web-site. John has decided to step down for new ventures and our new webmaster is Roger Miller. The web site address is:

You will find plenty to interest you, including, Photographs, Newsletters and Entry badge suggestions.  Roger will be pleased to hear your suggestions. 

95th Entry Fund Bank Account

Thank you to those of you who have made contributions to expenses. It is greatly appreciated. If any one wishes to send something, then please make cheques payable to the "95th Entry Expenses Fund" and send to either Bill Thornley or myself. 

95th Entry New Badge

The design proposals submitted for election of the new entry badge (See Entry Badges Section). It is now time to select the one to be adopted by a straight-forward ballot. 

A suitable voting form is included, or you can send us your selection by e-mail. Please vote for one choice only. If there is a tie, then a further vote will be asked for. Please send your vote to arrive before 30th September 2002, to:

Roger Miller, 116, Langley Grove, Sandridge, St.Albans. AL4 9DY


Hopefully, the badge on the top of the future newsletters will be our own.


New Members “Found”.

Peter Martin is transferred to the found list. Peter “arrived” courtesy of the Web Site. He has received a data list and I’ve no doubt that he will be contacting some of you personally. I hope he will feel sufficiently moved to provide a potted history to join those mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, and also will attend the re-union. We welcome Peter, his wife and family wholeheartedly. He can be contacted as follows:


24a Maltravers Street


West Sussex

BN18 9BU




01903 - 889806


Bill Widdison and Colin Pollard are also transferred to the found list. Unfortunately, Colin died in a motor accident in 1973/4 and is consequently added to the growing “In Memorium” list.

However, Bill is alive and well and also comes back to us via the web site.  Bill has provided a potted history which will appear on the web site.


38 Felspar Road




Republic of South Africa




+27 011 764 3197



For those of you who are yet to join, all correspondence with RAFHAAA should be addressed to:

The Secretary,

RAF Apprentices Association,

Royal Air Force Halton,

Aylesbury, Bucks.

HP22 6PG. 


Tel:                   01296-623535 Ext. 6300.

BT/Fax:            01296-696896.



In Memoriam:

Friends who have passed on. In our thoughts and prayers.

Michael McColl Young

Roland Bath

Keith Burdass

Clive Wilson

Rod Pritchard

Jerry Padgen


Colin Pollard



Qualitas non Quantitas

Alf Banyard

105, Stone Hill Drive, BLACKBURN, Lancs.  BB1 5TS

Tel/Fax: 01254 692697



95th Entry 40th Anniversary Re_Union Dinner




Chilled Melon with Sugar & Ginger


~~~ 0 ~~~


Parsnip and Apple Soup


~~~ 0 ~~~



Roast Leg of Lamb with a Rosemary Scented Jus


Breast of Chicken with Red Wine, Ham & Button Onion Sauce


Grilled Tuna Steak with a Ratatouille Vinaigrette


Vegetable & Mushroom Stroganoff with Savoury Rice




Roasted Chateau & Minted New Potatoes

Glazed Baton Carrots & Courgettes

French Beans


~~~ 0 ~~~



Fresh Fruit Salad & Cream


Twin Chocolate Terrine with a Hazelnut Sauce


Selection of 3 Cheeses & Biscuits


~~~ 0 ~~~

To follow:

Fresh Filter Coffee accompanied by a Mint Chocolate

£25.00 per person

95th Entry Re-Union Dinner Selection


Name: ……………………………………         Partner: ……………………………………















Deposit enclosed (min: £10.00 per person):    £ …………………

Send to: Alf Banyard 105, Stone Hill Drive, BLACKBURN, Lancs.  BB1 5TS


95th Entry New Badge Selection

Please vote for only one selection by putting a  cross ( X ) in the appropriate box.














Name: ………………………………….

Send to: Roger Miller, 116, Langley Grove, Sandridge, St.Albans. AL4 9DY


Contact The 95th Entry
© Copyright Dusty Miller MMIV